
Watch: Southern Blast

Derek Morrison
Southern Blast tells a story of natural beauty and the looming threat of oil and gas exploration along Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania’s coastline – endangering a unique coastal lifestyle and surfing culture. Southern Blast is a beautiful cinematic celebration of the wild landscapes, abundant marine ecosystems, and local communities......
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Special Report: What The New Marine Reserves Mean For You, Fishing … And Sharks

Derek Morrison
New marine reserves raise a raft of questions for southern surfers as 10-year process finally bears fruit. We ask the experts how they even work, what implications there will be for surfing and fishing, and whether we should expect an increase in sharks over time. In early October this year,......

Marine Reserves And Types Explained

Derek Morrison
Following the Department of Conservation’s (DOC) announcement of six new marine reserves to be established along the southeastern coast of the South Island we delve into what they are and what they will mean for our coastline. Some of the early confusion with the unveiling stemmed from the addition of......

No Marine Reserve For The Catlins

Derek Morrison
When the Department of Conservation (DOC) announced six new marine reserves to be the first established along the southeastern coast of the South Island in October, there was one glaring omission: The Catlins. While the six new marine reserves, dotted from Oamaru to just north of Bull Creek, aim to......

From Waste Plastic To Surfboards: Three Kiwis Lead The Way

Derek Morrison
Momentum for the environment may be building painstakingly slowly within the surf industry, but not for the three New Zealanders driving Spooked Kooks recycled surfboards out of Bondi. It was during a morning session at Sandy Bay, that I had my first encounter with a Dead Hippy. It was under......

Review: Need Essentials Thermal 4:3 Steamer

Derek Morrison
We were blown away by the value for money with our Need Essentials steamer produced by a company that prides itself on stripping away the costs of traditional surf wetsuit production. By minimising packaging, branding, expensive advertising campaigns and retail markups, Need Essentials is able to deliver a high-end adult......

World Surf League Unveils Unprecedented Commitment To The Environment

Derek Morrison
In an unprecedented move for a global professional sports body, World Surf League has today committed to becoming carbon neutral and eliminating single-use plastics by the end of 2019. This announcement adds further weight to the WSL’s existing ocean conservation efforts. Those efforts include WSL Pure, its non-profit arm, which......

Luxury Oceanwear Range Driven To Clean Up Oceans With Kiwi At The Helm

Derek Morrison
They say this is the era of the fierce female. If that’s true then Janaya Wilkins, with her new sustainable oceanwear range, nails it. Born in New Zealand, designed in London and made in Italy, SLO active has a global purpose: to clean up and protect our oceans. Wilkins grew......

Watch: Wild Waters, The Fight To Protect The Great Australian Bight

Derek Morrison
The Great Australian Bight is one of Australia’s least known stretches of wilderness. It is a cauldron of unsung natural treasures, biodiversity, landscapes and waves. A pristine wilderness, it is one of the world’s last unexploited areas and home to thriving coastal communities, whale sanctuaries and more unique marine life......

Watch: Sea Shepherd Surveys Biodiversity Of The Great Australian Bight

Derek Morrison
Early last year, Sea Shepherd Australia invited scientists from the South Australian Government to accompany them on a science expedition aboard the M/Y Steve Irwin to the Investigator Marine Park. This was the first-of-its-kind partnership with The South Australian Department of Environment and Water. What they discovered was a compelling......

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