
Watch: The Impossible Wave

Taira Blakely
Thirty years ago, ISA president Fernando Aguerre dreamed that surfing might one day be included in the Olympic Games. No one could have predicted how challenging that pursuit would be. The Impossible Wave follows Fernando Aguerre’s improbable mission to push surfing into the Olympic spotlight. After 27 years and 12,000 hours......
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Film Review: The Yin & Yang Of Gerry Lopez

Isaac Chadwick
Combining the talents of filmmaker Stacy Peralta, with the inimitable Gerry Lopez is a recipe for success. The Yin & Yang of Gerry Lopez explores the life of one of the most influential surfers and surfboard shapers of all time. Gerry is presented as an entrepreneur, a family man, a......

Watch: Goddesses

Derek Morrison
Acclaimed filmmaker Morgan Maassen brings us his latest film, Goddesses, which explores the lives of three young Tahitian girls: Vahine, Heimiti and Kohai Fierro. Set in their home against a dramatic backdrop of Tahiti’s jungle, mountains and reefbreaks, this film is as mesmerizing as it is soulful. “My obsession with......

Bask: Volume II

Derek Morrison
Filmed over the nine months of the university year in Ōtepoti Dunedin, the Bask series returns with a vengeance. Filmmaker Isaac Chadwick has turned up the dial on the party and surf elements of Dunedin’s student surfer lifestyle. It’s clear early on that twice the blood sweat and beers have......

Choice: The Movie

Derek Morrison
Choice is a short film that takes you on a journey through the wilderness of New Zealand in search of perfect waves. Along the way filmmaker Jean Pierre Guillotin explores the stunning scenery and landscapes that define New Zealand. “This was my first short film,” explains photographer Jean Pierre. “It......

Breaking Eggs With Filmmaker Isaac Chadwick

Derek Morrison
The intake of students at the University of Otago is thick with talented surfers who have had their OE wings clipped by Covid-19. One of them, 20-year-old Isaac Chadwick, has been filming and documenting his mates surfing, the student lifestyle and their rise in the music scene since he arrived.......

Five Minutes With: 15-Year-Old Filmmaker Hunter Cooney

Derek Morrison
Whangamata surfer Hunter Cooney is the guy responsible for producing Flightless Obsession – that’s the Kiwi surf film that was borne out of our Covid-19 Lockdown. New Zealand Surf Journal caught up with the young creative along the iconic shoreline of Kaikoura. NZSJ: Hello, Hunter. What are you doing standing......

Bask: A Film By Isaac Chadwick (AO)

Derek Morrison
In Bask, 19-year-old filmmaker, Isaac Haki Chadwick, captures the essence of life as a student and young surfer set among the raw and tumultuous whims of the southern ocean. It’s rawness is equaled by its honesty, offering a window into something few would otherwise get to see. We caught up......

Watch: Soli

Derek Morrison
Take up one super talented filmmaker. Team them up with one of Australia’s most exciting pro surfers. Send them on a lap of the World Tour together and this is what you get: the epic visual story of Indigenous Australian surfer Soli Bailey. 10 years ago, an Australian surf magazine......

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