pro surfing

Watch: Soli

Derek Morrison
Take up one super talented filmmaker. Team them up with one of Australia’s most exciting pro surfers. Send them on a lap of the World Tour together and this is what you get: the epic visual story of Indigenous Australian surfer Soli Bailey. 10 years ago, an Australian surf magazine......
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WSL Redesigns 2021 Tour, Suspends 2020 Events Until July

Derek Morrison
The World Surf League has today announced a totally revised 2021 Championship Tour, Challenger Series, and Qualifying Series. It has also confirmed that due to the continued evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, WSL is postponing or canceling all events, at all levels of competition, through to the start of July.......

Watch: Piha Pro Unveiled With Paige Hareb And Ricardo Christie

Derek Morrison
Kiwi pro surfers Paige Hareb and Ricardo Christie discuss what it means for surfing in New Zealand following the announcement of the Piha Pro today. The World Surf League today confirmed the Piha Pro QS10,000 will take place in March 2020, 2021 and 2022. The Piha Pro will be part......

Piha Pro Confirmed: Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Derek Morrison
It’s official! World Surf League today confirms the Piha Pro QS10,000 is real and will take place in March 2020, 2021 and 2022. The World Surf League (WSL) hasn’t been to New Zealand shores for five years – its last event a women’s 6000-rated Qualifying Series (QS) event held in......

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