jordy smith

Watch: Jordy

Derek Morrison
Filmmaker Morgan Maassen teams up with South Africa’s Jordy Smith to bring this insight into one of the World Surf League’s most stylish surfers. “My longstanding attraction to surfing has always been through the elegance of style,” offers Morgan. “Watching the way someone can navigate a wave, connecting moves, making......
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Ricardo Wins Seeding Round At Chopes

Derek Morrison
Mahia surfer Ricardo Christie has progressed directly through to the Round of 32 at the Teahupo’o, Tahiti Pro, World Championship Tour today after winning his seeding round match-up. A blazing wave under the hammer saw Ricardo take the win, defeating Ryan Callinan and Willian Cardoso and sending Callinan into the......

How To: Pop Up Like The World’s Very Best

Derek Morrison
During the Founder’s Cup in 2018, YouTube star and photographer Brent Rose decided to film the event in slow motion. Analysing the footage afterward revealed some incredible insights into one of the most basic, yet most important techniques in surfing: the pop up. “I’ve always wanted to see the top......

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